In addition to the primary Type, each of us has a secondary Type, called a Wing. The Wing is always adjacent to the primary Type. Therefore, if you are a primary Type 7, you could have either a 6 wing or 8 wing. If you are a type 9, you could have an 8 wing or 1 wing, and so on. There are major differences between people of the same Type with a different Wing. The Wing is such a powerful driver that it influences what we want and how we show up more than almost any other factor besides the Type itself. This weighs so heavily on our personality that it even frequently determines whether the Type is introverted or extroverted, and the degree of introversion or extroversion. 

Type 1

1w9 I’m an introverted deep thinker with a practical action orientation, and my main complaint is that I’m too lazy to enact all I feel called to do because I’d rather not be in conflict or stir things up too much, unless I have to…

1w2 I’m an extroverted powerhouse of service, constantly on my feet to set my world straight and do what I feel is right, frequently exhausted by not giving myself permission to care for my own needs

Type 2

2w1 I’m bubbly and caring with a grave side to me that is stringent on principles, sees things in black and white, and constantly expects more from myself than I can give while I give so much

2w3 I’m a rosy-cheeked storehouse of sweetness that is all about being with people, everyone’s friend and confidante, while I secretly like to get claps on the things I do for people

Type 3

3w2 I’m hyper-efficient and dazzle others with my charms as I chase after big dreams and spread myself incredibly thin, rarely thinking to check in with myself about who I really am

3w4 I’m cool and collected, full of creative ideas and the capacity to execute on them, but I’m most concerned that you see me as the unique one who has it all together as I try to live a fantasy instead of being me

Type 4

4w3 I’m a shy, deep thinker who has huge ambition and loves to have an audience I can impact with my gifts while I constantly feel not up to snuff and how life is passing me by because I’m too slow to keep up

4w5 I’m a heart person longing to connect with others but often live in my own world, wondering if I’m meant to forever be an outsider as I’m unable to care about the things society cares about or fit the social mold with my extremely withdrawn, sensitive, and philosophical nature

Type 5

5w4 I’m one of the most withdrawn people, heady and artistic, avant-garde in my vision, with refined taste, and fascinated by the realm of emotions which are foreign to my cerebral self

5w6 I am a compulsive problem-solver who loves to live in the world of books but also loves to be there for others with my knowledge, provided I get to be the expert and nothing feels emotional

Type 6

6w5 I am on my toes trying to support the people in my life but am constantly conflicted about how to know what I’m actually meant to do, and my introverted, heady nature puts me at odds with what I feel the world expects of me

6w7 I love thrills and have a big gregarious side to me as I put myself on the line with vigor for all the people I try to trust, but so much of the time, I find myself extremely scattered and unable to find my way in life

Type 7

7w6 I have a modest presence and care about commitment to people and projects, though that’s one of the things I’m most afraid of and worst at following through on while trying to be a happy-go-lucky do-gooder in the world, and secretly wondering if I’ll ever find a deeper, lasting purpose since I run so fast from one thing to the next

7w8 I consume experiences at a rapid rate and bowl over whatever gets in my way, disliking slowness or weakness whenever I sense it, but all I really care about is just to be a happy person and use my tremendous capability to share happiness with others

Type 8

8w7 I’m the hardest charging go-getter who can take heat like no one else and upset others quickly with my intense energy, hardly able to turn off my own heat, but I care more about respect than I do success, and when I’m truly secure, or at least secure that people turn to me as the boss, I’ll lay down my life for what I believe in

8w9 I fight hard and undertake massive endeavors to feel my dominance over my environment, but then I go into hibernation for recharge till the next tussle, and have a very easy-going side to me that I like and which gives me more patience to deal with the details in life

Type 9

9w8 I’m cool and casual with an intensity that I keep guarded as I continue to be perceived as the shy one in the room, while deep down I hate weakness, am ever so subtly attracted to conflict, and know how to make waves when I need to, though I still walk out of every situation the calm, quiet one

9w1 I’m sensitive, kind, and deeply concerned with ethics, constantly thinking about the ideal way to live though I prefer to philosophize about it rather than truly live it because it would require me to give up all of my homey, comfortable habits to step out into the world of conflict and make it better 

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