The three ways we operate and fluctuate between at any given moment that determine whether we fulfill our inherent potential – to be our best selves and benefit others tremendously – or deprive ourselves of being who we’re meant to be by indulging our ego fixations for validation from others 

Creative The state of mind where we are free to be who we are and make the best decisions by seeing the many possible options before intentionally aligning with what will best serve others and our true self

Controlling The most common experience we have in life, characterized by conscious or unconscious neediness where we put ourselves first over others and employ all our unique, habitual strategies to make the world tell us we are who we think we should be

Destructive The zone of complete self-absorption, shut down and closed off to the world by the pain of not being seen as we think we should be, and suffering so much that we’re determined to harm others or harm ourselves until things change

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